Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Post Your Revised Immersion Idea & 5 Scenes Here


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  2. The organization called Circle K International is a student organization that meets every Wednesday to do volunteer work such as community service, visiting retirement homes and etc.
    The organization has about 15 to 20 people signed up so far and they hope to build leadership be successful by reaching the 2000 hours of volunteer work done by April. By going to the events they hold, let them to build unique friendship and get to know one another better.
    Scene #1
    On September 8th the organization will meet hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at Heritage Room in Union and discuss about some of their events that are coming up.
    Scene #2
    On September 13th the organization will go visit the Cedar Creek Living Center and create a smile program.
    Scene #3
    On September 18th the organization will hold a General Meeting at 7 p.m. at Heritage room in Union
    Scene #4
    On September 22nd the organization will hold a Kiddy Carnival in Oklahoma City and the time that they will be out volunteering is from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    Scene #5
    On September 29th there will be a general meeting at 7 p.m. to talk about some of the events that will come up in October.

  3. Today, I went to the Norman Vetrans Center. It was an eye opening experience. I was looking for a subject, but I didn't find one. Instead I found an employee who gave me the number of a social worker that could help me find a subject....

    Scene 1;
    Today at the veterans center looking a veteran and first impressions of the complex.

    Scene 2;
    Identifying the veteran and providing a detailed description of their living conditions.

    Scene 3;
    The veteran's military experience.

    Scene 4;
    The veteran's post military, economic, and family experiences.

    Scene 5;
    Connecting scene 4 with the present situation, focusing on the changes in the dynamics of scene 4 details.

  4. I still wish to write about Abby Thompson. Golfing is something very important to her. College scouts have already been noticing Abby's golfing talent and it would be interesting to write about her process of her going after her golfing career at college.

    Scene #1
    Abby will be playing in a couple of tournaments that are coming up, I would go watch her play.

    Scene #2
    Even though golfing consumes Abby's life she still is a normal teenager who wishes to have fun with her friends and family.

    Scene #3
    It would be interesting to witness a scout talking to Abby about her future college career.

    Scene #4
    What made Abby chose to golf, why does she love to do it so much?

    Scene #5
    I'm having a little trouble thinking about a final scene. Possibly a tournament or Abby talking about what she hopes to see in her future as a golfer.

  5. Kyle Powell suffers from type two diabetes and schizophrenia affective disorder. At the age of 15 he dropped out of high school because of mental problems and has tried to commit suicide on multiple occasions. Now at the age of 23, Kyle is enrolled in a G.E.D. course in hopes of continuing onto college. Kyle is socially awkward, as explained by his mother who said she was surprised he even talked to me.

    Scene #1
    An interview where we got to know each other and I slowly gain his trust. We discussed his health issues, why he never continued and why he chose now.

    Scene #2
    Inside his G.E.D. class. How he reacts with people and the coursework. His struggles, what he likes and doesn't like.

    Scene #3
    Each Sunday is family dinner. Participating in a large family, see what family members say of Kyle and his reaction toward them. If not a Sunday, Thanksgiving where the dinner consists of over 50 people.

    Scene #4
    Driving in the car with his mother who car pools him almost everywhere.

    Scene #5
    His second test and progress. He says he rarely finishes projects because stress overwhelms him. He has enrolled in a G.E.D. class once before and couldn't handle the stress.

  6. Danielle Richard is a dancer with the University of Oklahoma. For my immersion story proposal, I wish to follow this young dancer through the college of dance; shadowing her as she practices, dances, auditions, and lives as a student and a dancer in the city of Norman.

    Scene #1:
    I'd like to open my immersion piece by learning more about Danielle as a person and a dancer. To do this, I would propose a meeting in a coffee shop. Something informal so that we could talk more about what makes her a dancer, and why she chose this profession that is known for its ruthlessness.

    Scene #2:
    I would focus Scene 2 on a warm-up session. I would watch Danielle's interaction with other dancers, and then focus on her and her technique.

    Scene #3:
    For my third scene I would like to sit in on an audition rehearsal or an actual class with Danielle.

    I am unsure about my fourth and fifth scenes right now. They will be dependent on what she is auditioning for and when those auditions are. I will know after my first scene.

  7. Now, I am doing a story on Wallace Collins. He is running for the Oklahoma, district 45. He is a democrat in an increasing republican state.

    The first scene will most likely consist of him in a campaigning state; shaking hands and going door to door.

    The second scene may be him making a public speech at an event in late September.

    The third scene may be another campaign scene in late October.

    The fourth scene will be him at a state function.

    The fifth scene is still being considered.
